On February 29, 2024, the Trees for Life project delivered its first batch of trees to the village of Ta Ek. 450 trees were planted in Bloc M, the most critical area near the school. These trees will provide much-needed shade and shelter for children in this open and exposed location. In collaboration with villagers, some trees were also planted around houses and streets. Interviews with villagers helped determine the types of trees needed, resulting in a diverse selection including 20 different varieties, some of which are fruit trees.

The project’s success depends heavily on educating villagers, especially young people, about proper watering and care to ensure the trees flourish. To address this, our Khiri Reach Ambassador, Mr. Buseun You, visited the project on March 23, 2024, to provide knowledge and support to the local community.

We are proud to have Jaya House River Park and Explore (UK), a key travel partner, join us in this initiative. Project T – Trees for Life estimates that the relocation has adversely affected approximately 7,000 families. To address this impact, the project aims to donate and plant a total of 70,000 trees. With our partners’ support, we expect to complete the project within two years.